Sunday, March 13, 2011

This Is Not A Dream......This Is My Life

Dear Mom and Dad, Can I keep Him?!

I just had the realization today…I have been living in Jerusalem for 3 months! I only have one precious month left. I am trying to take advantage of EVERY second I have here, which means I have not slept much nor blogged. 
Whether it be venturing to Bethlehem to see the birth place of Christ, “Cha-Cha ing” in a JC talent-show, waking up at 6am to go play sports out in the city, going to a Jerusalem Luau, traveling inside the Herodion, singing my heart out in a solo performance for our Jerusalem Branch, discovering the charity of the people here, or exploring the hidden beauties within the Old City, I am determined to live this experience up. 
You only live life once; you might as well live it, right?

Tomorrow at approximately 5:30am, we are all departing on another 10 day-"vacation on steroids”-trip to Galilee…I am SO very excited to study the life of our Savior and physically be where He walked and performed so many miracles. 
I still wake up each morning grateful that this is not a dream…I am really here! 

Galilee, here I come!

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