Friday, August 5, 2011

Got Fish?

Our mornings started at 5:30 am sharp. 
We got up, dressed in our fish-crusted suspenders, inhaled breakfast, and were off to fish. 
After all ,the mornings are the best time to fish!

 Rise and Shine

Just a floatin'

...and fishing

...and baiting some hooks

...and catching some salmon

reeling, netting, driving, hooking, gashing 
...and sometimes we caught them by the eyeballs
...and sometimes we caught really ugly ones (Rock Salmon)
...and one time I caught a shark, a baby shark.
The skiff would get really bloody and slimy...
...and sometimes we all end up slipping and falling on our bottoms-with the fish in the net. Providence.
You bet our laughter was heard all over the Pacific Ocean!

 One time, my mommy caught the biggest catch of the week, weighing a whopping 20.1 Ib.s

The Dream Team

We caught fish, fish, & more fish  

one day we caught 30 fish, the men called our bait the "single ladies bait" ha. Girl Power. 
who needs college when you can fish? :)

...but sometimes we lost them

we reeked of fish for a week
all 42 of us 

the company

Grandma & Grandpa


Emil, a dock boy, playing charades with us. 
Steve Urkel?
We had company game nights after dinner every evening.

The Beautiful Eagles (My mom loved to photograph the Eagles)

The trip just "slipped" by like a slimy, pink salmon 
Everything I own reeked of fish but nonetheless,
I adore everything about Alaska

Thursday, August 4, 2011

On Your Marks, Get Set, Fish!

Welcome to The Silver King Lodge...

The Silver King Lodge is located on Grant Island, 20 miles northwest of Ketchikan, Alaska. 
It is one of the premier Alaska Fishing Lodges.

That afternoon, 42 employees arrived to the Island by Float Planes...

where we were all welcomed them with "open arms.”

Meet Lisa, our warehouse "Mom.” 
(Love You Lisa)

The second we had the opportunity-we ran out to the ocean to fish

Little did I know, my entire next week would be spent on a little skiff in the Pacific Ocean, fishing…and this is where I truly obtained my obsession for Alaska.

To be continued...

P.s. Did I mention, Chels and I were not the only twins on the island?

We may have been fishing all day, every day 
but we still found some time for a
little twin bonding. 
(I mean, once you share a meal, your friends for life.)